Arcane Reborn Wiki


Alright, so, I joined this one server on a Tuesday, and you will not believe what I saw. 13 AG were in the server, and us in the sky were freaking out. BUT, thankfully we all had skills in different traits, I myself gathered everyone and said "WE need to FIGHT BACK!", and after about 30 - 40 minutes, we raided Alalea. Not many were there, and no AG were.

But, of course, they were all at Redwood. We waited til dawn, then all hopped onto a frigate and started sailing off to Redwood. This war was just beautiful, and lasted for about 15 - 20 minutes. Inferno, a PVP Warlord was there as an AG. But after a long, hard battle, we won. To this day I believe the lesson in that battle was not to underestimate your enemies, and to overcome your fear (Even though to me it is nothing like that.) 
