Arcane Reborn Wiki

Hello to anyone reading this. The story of arcane adventures is a remarkable one.

First came the era of lag: A time where those who played experienced more lag than ever before in any roblox game.

Then the peak of performance: this was the time when arcane went on the roblox charts and subsequently made history.

Then the era of decline: The game started dying down afterwards, but those who played spent countless hours playing. Vetex once stopped working on updates but bounced back with the grand reopening

Then it’s sudden demise: A combination of roblox updates and Vetex’s loss of drive culminating to the breaking and death of AA

But this is a message, not a story. This will be my only post on this wiki most likely and I want to thank everyone here for playing such a great game, and creating such a diverse and amazing community. As I and many others look elsewhere on roblox while anticipating Vetex’s next creation, and some of us lose interest in roblox entirely, AA falls further into obscurity and the community splits in many pieces. All while I fall even further into my lingering, eternal depression. Again, many thanks to you all. It was fun while it lasted. See ya.
